HoCo Student Film Festival

HoCo Student Film Festival

Save the date for the 2024-25 HoCo Student Film Festival: Friday, May 2, 2025.

Film deadline: April 1, 2025. More information will be posted soon.

The 2023-24 HoCo Student Film Festival was held at the Miller Library on Friday May 3, 2024.

Play the winning film in the HC DrugFree Public Service Announcement category, Refusal Skills: Say No, created by Daniel Cho from Atholton High School.

Visit the HoCo Film Fest YouTube Channel to view many of the other entries submitted this year!

The 2023-24 school year theme of the HC DrugFree Category was:

KNOW Your No!

This category was chosen to showcase the ways teens stay true to their personal values, stand up to peer pressure, and avoid risky behaviors by using Refusal Skills, all while keeping their friends.

“In the KNOW” is one of HC DrugFree’s larger education campaigns, so filmmakers should be familiar with that campaign before creating videos. For more information, click on “In the KNOW” on this website.

Scroll through the slides below to learn how to make your PSA shine!

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HC DrugFree PSA category submissions requirements:

  • • Please be sure that HC DrugFree is spelled correctly and doesn’t include additional spaces. HC DrugFree really is our legal name. Please do not get creative with our name and be sure spellcheck doesn’t incorrectly edit a space between Drug and Free.
  • • A cover screen with HC DrugFree’s logo along with a catchy description about your specific PSA topic.
  • • Submissions must include a closing screen with HC DrugFree’s logo and contact information (www.hcdrugfree.org, 443-325-0040, and Admin@hcdrugfree.org).
  • • The names of the student video team members should appear on the next to the last screen and include school(s). If done as a class project or with the guidance of school staff, feel free to include staff names.
  • • Videos can be as short as 30 seconds or as long as 2 minutes. Do not exceed 2 minutes. The time does not include the final cover screen with HC DrugFree’s logo and contact information. Be sure to allow that final HC DrugFree contact screen to remain visible for at least 10 seconds, but no more than 30 seconds.
  • • Because this is a public service announcement, if HC DrugFree’s logo and contact information is missing or not correct, the video will be disqualified from the contest, but after the contest, HC DrugFree may request edits and use the video.

Download the HC DrugFree Film Category Guidelines

For more information please visit the HoCo Film Festival website

Email HC DrugFree’s Executive Director, Ms. Joan Webb Scornaienchi at Admin@hcdrugfree.org to request HC DrugFree’s logo. HC DrugFree’s staff is available to answer your questions, so when in doubt, contact us!

We look forward to playing your films.

Good luck!

To view previous HC DrugFree Category winners, click here.